Parent Educational Opportunities
Below are many opportunities to help parents support their child's education. Research shows that the academic achievement of a child is directly related to the level of parent's involvement in the child's education.
LUSD offers a series of classes and workshops where parents and families can learn various skills that will benefit their child's education. We strongly encourage and welcome parents to participate in the following workshops/classes.
For more information or to register, please contact our Parent Liaison, Cynthia Gonzalez at
(209) 394-5418.
Caring Kids Parent Classes
Days: Monday and Wednesday
Times: 2:00-3:00pm
Dias: Lunes y Miercoles
Times: 9:30-10:30am

English as Second Language (ESL) In-Person Classes
LUSD has partnered with Merced Colleges' Adult Education and Noncredit Program.
You are invited to join the FREE ESL Spring 2022 classes.
Dates- Tuesdays and Thursdays
Times- 5pm-8pm
Location- Livingston Campus Park
LUSD se ha asociado con el Programa de Educación para Adultos y Sin Crédito de Merced Colleges.
Estás invitado a unirte a las clases GRATUITAS de ESL Spring 2022.
Fechas- Martes y Jueves
Horario- 5pm-8pm
Ubicación- Livingston Campus Park
Estás invitado a unirte a las clases GRATUITAS de ESL Spring 2022.
Fechas- Martes y Jueves
Horario- 5pm-8pm
Ubicación- Livingston Campus Park