Programs and Information
Livingston Middle has a student population of 847 sixth, seventh and eighth grade students. Students are offered a comprehensive educational program including regular education, special education, Migrant education services, English-learner programs and advanced academic programs on a traditional school year calendar. Students at each of the grade levels are invited to participate in the music program which includes: classroom music, band, beginning band, jazz band, choir and color guard. In addition, seventh and eighth grade students may enroll in art, digital art, and career tech which are included in the elective program offerings. Seventh and eighth grade students also have AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) as a program option. Livingston Middle School offers a Dual Language Academy (DLA) option in each of the grade levels with approximately 218 students enrolled in the program. During the fall months, sixth grade students are invited to participate in a week-long Outdoor Education Program held in Fish Camp. Livingston Middle School also offers a complete after-school athletic program open to all grade levels and includes: volleyball, soccer, basketball, baseball, wrestling, cross country, track, and softball.
The school supports the After School Student Education Teamwork for Success (ASSETS) program through Merced County Office of Education. ASSETS is available for up to 100 students on campus. The program operates each school day from 2:30 until 6:00 p.m. and includes a snack, homework time, academic components and other special activities. We share the vision that the positive achievement of our students is our top priority. All of our efforts are directed toward providing a school where everyone is given the opportunity to grow and expectations are high. We are committed to working together to create an environment where teachers can teach and where students can learn. We will continue building a school culture in which all of us promote healthy self-esteem and in which students and staff develop loyalty, respect and appreciation for each other. Recognition programs designed to acknowledge and encourage student efforts and contributions are part of the school program. Certificates, rewards, school shirts, special activities and trips, positive notes and calls are part of what is done to let students know that they are important. Livingston Middle School is committed to providing focused instruction and support to encourage curiosity and promote innovation to help students succeed. As a means of achieving this, staff collaborates and focuses on student needs.